Career counseling

We offer career counseling to people who are looking for a new job, to employees at risk of losing their job, or to those who are considering a change in their professional life. A team of professional counselors from the ranks of psychologists and HR professionals will help you:
If you are interested in more information, contact Mrs. Simona Matisová
smatisova@mspakt.czChoosing a high school or university is perhaps one of the first serious choices a person makes in his life. And it is clear that everyone wants to make this choice correctly, so that they enjoy their studies and subsequently their work. But how do you know which path to choose in life? That is why we offer group and individual activities focused on career counseling to primary and secondary school students. With experienced career counselors and psychologists, pupils develop skills and competences in the areas of:
If you are interested in more information, contact Mrs. Simona Matisová
smatisova@mspakt.czFor career counselors at primary and secondary schools, we provide a comprehensive course that familiarizes them theoretically and practically with career counseling techniques. At the seminars, participants will deepen their abilities and skills in the field of group and individual work with students, prepare an individual plan for a career advisor, and get an overview of career tools, including online applications (Můj život po škole, Cesta k zaměstnaní) that we have created for this purpose.
Getting to know the data and forecasts of the labor market with regard to the choice of future profession is also an integral part of the course. The education of teachers is supplemented by excursions in companies. Seminars take place in an interactive format. During the course, participants will try out counseling techniques themselves and can immediately apply them in teaching. All counselors are also offered individualized support directly at the school.
If you are interested in more information, contact Mrs. Simona Matisová
smatisova@mspakt.czAre you a national of a third country (non-EU) who is not currently employed in the Czech Republic? Are you unable to find work here due to language and cultural barriers? We would like to offer you a place on a program that will help you:
If you are interested in more information, contact Mrs. Romana Šperlíková
rsperlikova@mspakt.czThe OECD Observatory on Digital technologies in Careers guidance for Youth (ODiCY) is an open-access repository that collects examples of the use of digital technologies in career guidance for primary and secondary school students. If you develop career guidance services using digital technologies, then an observatory is a way to show your good practice on the international stage.
If you are interested in more information, contact Mrs. Kateřina Křepelková