OECD Observatory

The OECD Observatory on Digital technologies in Career guidance for Youth (ODiCY) is an open-access repository on the use of digital technologies in career education and guidance designed to support the career development of children and young people attending primary and secondary schools.
It enables the global community of policymakers, schools and guidance practitioners to gain easy access to up-to-date practice examples and guidance on their effective commissioning, development and use. There is good reason to believe that new technologies can enhance the established provision of guidance, allowing it to be more effective, efficient and equitable. Yet to date, very little has been evaluated to a high standard. ODiCY allows policymakers/ practitioners to compare approaches in a field where innovation is fast-paced and driven by multiple actors around the world. Find more here.
If you are developing career guidance for students in primary or secondary schools using digital technologies (this can be simple or complex) then this is a way to explain your resource on an international stage.
We include a link to your resource to allow an international audience to find your resource.
The purpose of ODiCY is to enable users to compare how digital resources are designed and used to achieve common objectives within career guidance for school aged children.
Each case study should allow users to comprehensively understand how a digital resource enables delivery of a specific aspect of career guidance and highlights innovative use of technology.
We ask resource developers or users of the digital technology in career guidance to fill in an online form.
We are looking at career guidance that uses digital technology within primary and/or secondary education.
It typically takes 20 – 30 minutes to complete.
Case studies are submitted in English at this stage.
We ask you to describe your resource, how it helps to make career guidance more effective, efficient and/or equitable, if you are funded by government, what research has backed the creation of your resource and evaluations you have had of your resource.
We ask that you keep the language simple and write in third-person e.g. “The program does…”, “It enables…”
The OECD team will take time to review and edit your submission. We will then send it back to you with comments and questions. After 2 (or sometimes 3) reviews and ensuring that both parties are happy with the final case study we will submit it online.
We will send you an email to let you know that your case study is live.
If you would like to know more feel free to visit the ODiCY website as well as the registration form. If you have further questions, feel free to email us at odicy@oecd.org. For information in the Czech language, please contact Mrs. Kateřina Křepelková (kkrepelkova@mspakt.cz)